Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger, Apollo 8. Your Green Team will be signing off in a few minutes, and before we do, Charlesworth and the rest of us would like to say we have enjoyed it and look forward to seeing you back in Houston. Over.
Bill Anders (LMP)
We have sure enjoyed it, too, troops, and you guys have really done a good job. We really do appreciate it.
Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, we'd like to have you, before you get in a P52 going here, we'd like to have you rezero the optics and read us the mechanical CDU's. We're trying to collect a little data for troubleshooting.
Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)
This goes back to some of the problems we had prior to LOI; trying to see if the software readouts we're getting down here compare with the mechanical readouts. It's not a current problem as far as we know.
Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)
Okay. Why don't you just read me the mechanical CDU's there now, and then it looks from the ground like you're clear to go ahead with the P52.
Jim Lovell (CMP)
And the shaft mechanical CDU looks like it is reading about 4/100 below zero, which would be about 364. Yes.
Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)
Okay. It looks like we're getting down on the service module RCS to the place where we ought to go ahead and activate the secondary service module RCS propellant.
Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)
Not in our normal sphere.
Expand selection up Expand selection down Close -
Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)
Negative. We have quad Bravo and quad Delta which are getting right down, according to the calculated numbers, next to where we ought to be activating them. The numbers you are reading are going to be a little bit high, but the computer data on the ground shows that you have about 134 pounds in Bravo and Delta, and about 130 pounds is where you ought to be on the secondary.
Spoken on Dec. 27, 1968, 8:20 a.m. UTC (56 years, 1 month ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet