Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger. I got down through DELTA-V, minus X, minus Y, and minus Z. Did you copy those? Over.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger. Let's go back to the weight: 45701, minus 040, plus 157. Are you with me? Over.
Bill Anders (LMP)
Sounds good.
Expand selection up Expand selection down Close -
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Okay. GETI 083:18:20.80, plus 32346, minus 01168, plus 4—correction, plus 05730. Are you with me? Over.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Thank you. 179 009 001, not applicable, plus 00187 32870 307 32676 42 0880 253 033, down 121, left 27, plus 0790 minus 16500 129 73 36238 146:44:14; same north set Sirius and Rigel, roll 129, pitch 155, yaw 010, four quads for 15 seconds, horizon on the 2-degree mark at P ignition. Over.
Bill Anders (LMP)
Roger. TEI 7 SPS/G&N: 45701, minus 040, plus 157 083:18:20.80, plus 32346, minus 01168, plus 05730 179 9—correction, 009 001, NA. Are you with me?
Bill Anders (LMP)
Plus 00187 32870 307 32676 32—correction, 420880 253033, down 121, left 27, plus 0790, minus 16500 12973 36238 146:44:14; same north set Sirius and Rigel, 129 155 010; four-jet, 15 seconds, 2 degrees, now horizon and peak.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
And also, Jim, we are—That last P27 we sent was for the LM state vector only, and it will require a VERB 47 ENTER to transfer to the CSM slot. Over.
Bill Anders (LMP)
Roger. How much longer do you think we have to go into battery charge there, Mike?
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, Houston. We estimate the charge will be complete in another 45 minutes. Over.
Spoken on Dec. 24, 1968, 9:21 p.m. UTC (56 years, 1 month ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet