Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. We have checked into your drogue time, and the number of 08:16 on your entry PAD is correct. We'll be giving you an updated entry PAD on the scheduled time of 143:30. At the same time, we'll be giving you an update of your state vectors for the LM and CSM. The midcourse correction number 7 was less than seven-tenths foot per second, and we will not execute it. You have a P52 scheduled at 143:30 which is not required. It's your option. However, if you decide to delete the P52, the CMC self-check and DSKY condition light test are still requirements. Over.

Expand selection up Expand selection down Close

Spoken on Dec. 27, 1968, 11:08 a.m. UTC (56 years, 2 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Frank Borman (CDR)

What do you mean, they are still requirements? We weren't planning to do the CMC self-test.

Frank Borman (CDR)

On that DSKY check . ..

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. That's my mistake on CMC self-check and DSKY condition light. That's an optional test. Over.

Frank Borman (CDR)

That's what we thought, Ken. Gosh, if that's been working perfectly for 6 days, I don't see any reason to test it.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

Morning, Ken. How's Houston this morning?

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Just fine. Nice and balmy.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Houston, Apollo 8. Over.

Bill Anders (LMP)

I am just—It is my understanding that we are to bring up the secondary loop at 1 hour prior to SEP, isn't that right?

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

That is affirmative, about page Echo 9.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

And Bill, … suggested if we have the water boiler going on the primary loop, that you—you might wait about 5 minutes or so before you initiate the secondary loop.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Wait 5 minutes from what? From the time the primary loop starts or from 1 hour?

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

From the time the primary loop starts; this will give you a check to see if it had a chance to dry out or not.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Oh, I am with you. Okay.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

And for your information, we already have a VHF downlink. It's poor quality, but we do have contact.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Okay. We haven't turned anything over to VHF yet.

Bill Anders (LMP)

We tried to call you on the VHF though, Ken.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Roger. I say, the quality is pretty poor; they may not be able to understand you.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Houston, Apollo 8. Over.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Go ahead.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Ken, we got two things going here which make this suit heat exchanger flow a little different. One of them is we are not doing a coldsoak, and the other one is we are powering down the secondary loop prior to SEP. And I wonder if it is a good idea to have the suit heat exchanger only on a secondary loop in that case. And plus the fact that we haven't got any cabin heat exchanger.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

I don't think that was the intent, Bill. What they had in mind, we have the suit heat exchanger on both loops; and if they got too cold, you could use the panel switching to shut down the primary loop through the heat exchanger. But in any event, you would always have something going to the suit heat exchanger. I recognize that we are going to be shutting down the secondary heat exchanger pre-SEP and then turning it back on prior to entry, but the idea was to have both primary and secondary loops on the suit heat exchanger simultaneously.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Yes, my checklist doesn't reflect that. I think that's a good idea because we are a little suspect of our cabin fans and don't plan to use them.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Houston, Apollo 8. Over.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Apollo 8. Go ahead.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Roger. What's Rod's estimate of our postseparation main bus voltage?

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. We will be making a handover from, Carnarvon to Honeysuckle at 15.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Houston, Apollo 8. Over.

Bill Anders (LMP)

I am still a little bit confused on that- on this activating the secondary loop. You indicated inactivating it at 1 hour or 5 minutes after the primary evaporator comes on the line. My checklist shows that the primary evaporator probably won't come on the line until we bypass the radiators. Have you got something else in mind I don't know about?

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay, Bill. We passed up an update some time back on page E-9 step 38 right at the beginning, and you have got a final GET drift check. And between there and the step 39 where it says terminate CM RCS preheat, that was the place we wanted to activate the primary loop by putting the glycol evaporator water switch to AUTO and the glycol evaporator steam pressure to AUTO.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Roger. I don't expect it to boil, though. Do you?

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay, Bill. We are hoping that it will there. It looks like we will have had a stable attitude for sometime, and we anticipate that it will be warm enough to make it boil. That is the reason it's suggested if it is boiling, that you wait. If it isn't, go ahead and turn on the secondary loop.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Okay. Well, that's where I was confused. I am waking up. Thank you.