Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

You sound real bright eyed and bushy tailed. How's it going up there?

Expand selection up Contract selection down Close
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. How about giving us a countdown to PRD reading. Over?

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Just on you, Bill. We got the other two while you were sacked out.

Bill Anders (LMP)

The one that I have now, and the one that Jim took off, which is obviously broken, it's still at 0.64.

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Okay. Thank you.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on Dec. 27, 1968, 1:58 a.m. UTC (55 years, 8 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Roger, Bill. On your PTC attitude, we're requesting a pitch angle zero, and we're showing you about 27 degrees pitch and increasing. Over.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Roger. I've been trying to work it down to ENTER again.

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

They're letting you drive, after all?

Bill Anders (LMP)

I have to every now and then just to square this thing away.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

Mike, I'll just give you my status here before the rest of them go to sleep; had about 3 hours sleep, another meal, and everybody's doing fine.

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Radio check. Over.

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over.

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Roger, Mike. How do you read?

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

I read you loud and clear not, Bill. I wasn't hearing here for a couple of calls. How do you read me?

Bill Anders (LMP)

I had my hands full; I was putting something down. I read you fine.

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Okay. Understand. If it'll be any help to you in your PTC driving, we've computed that as you look out plus X in the COAS or just out the window, you should be pointed right at Acrux when you're in a perfect PTC attitude. We don't know if that's a help to you or not, but we thought you might enjoy trying an alternate mode of keeping the attitude under control.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Okay. From my present position, we're going to have to move Acrux a little bit.

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Well, whatever you think. We just thought you might appreciate knowing.

Bill Anders (LMP)

I'll give it a try, Mike.

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Can you see it all right?

Bill Anders (LMP)

Yes, I think so. There's a star out there anyway.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Houston, Apollo 8. Do you read?

Bill Anders (LMP)

Actually, Mike, it's so easy to do it with the eight-ball within a reasonable sloppy limit that it's hardly worth the trouble to scootch way up in the seat to look out the COAS, and it's enough light in the cockpit where the star really isn't too easy to see. So I'm kind of inclined to use the IFR technique here where you can see the rest of the instrument panel.

Bill Anders (LMP)

I thought you were an all-weather pilot.

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Well now, you just caused Flight down here to get a “Got Ya” on CAP COMM and FAO.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Give you a little warning next time.

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Could you give us a better OMNI, please?

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. We will be changing the antennas in 3 minutes. You can expect a COMM glitch. Over.

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Can you switch us to OMNI Charlie, please.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Houston, Apollo 8. Are you still there?

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. Go ahead. Over.

Bill Anders (LMP)

I was just seeing if you were still there, Mike. The Old Grey Eagle is taking over the show from here.

Mike Collins (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Over.