- Jim Lovell (CMP)
We will try to get TV on this at a later time, when we are not getting ready for a burn.
- Jim Lovell (CMP)
Houston, at these sun angles, everything is quite distinct; shadows are good; the ground doesn't have any sunlight returned. It appears very good visibility at these sun angles.
- Jim Lovell (CMP)
As a matter of fact, Bill just mentioned that the visibility seems to be excellent just about up to the terminator. It's something which I didn't expect. I thought there would be a little bit more gradual shift to darkness, but it's very sharp and distinct.
- Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Roger. Break. Apollo 8, Houston. Your TEI 2 PAD is good; stand by to copy your TEI 3. Over.
- Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Roger. TEI 3. SPS/G&N 46427, minus 053, plus 141 075:31:29.95, plus 28960, minus 00456, plus 00720. Copy?
- Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Roger. 180 021 002, not applicable, plus 00188 28972 251 28793 40 2769 396. Copy?
- Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Roger. 033 0000, left 17, plus 0883, minus 16500 12955 36185 146:35:07; Sirius, Rigel 129, 155 010, ullage two jets, 20 seconds, quads Bravo and Delta. Horizon on the 24 degree line at ignition minus 3 minutes, assumes no LOI 2. Over.
- Frank Borman (CDR)
Roger. SPS/G&N—this is for TEI 3—46427, minus 053, plus 141 075:31:29.95, plus 28960, minus 00456, plus 00720 180 021 002, NA, plus 00188 28972 251 28793 40 2769 396 033 0000, left 17, plus 00883, minus 16500 12955 36185 146:35:07; Sirius, Rigel 129, 155, 01, two jet, 20 seconds, B and D, horizon 2 degrees at ignition minus 3 minutes, assumes no LOI 2.
- Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Roger. TEI 3: SPS/G&N 45810, minus 053, plus 141 075:21:28.46, plus 30128, minus 00540, plus 01911. 180 019 001. Copy?
- Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Roger. Not applicable, plus 00188 30193 255 30008 40 2742 396 033, down 021, left 18. Copy?
- Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Roger. Plus 0888, minus 16500 12955 36185 146:34:50 GDC, align no change, ullage no change, horizon 1 degree at ignition minus three. Assumes LOI 2. Over.
- Frank Borman (CDR)
Go ahead—or Houston, this is Apollo 8. TEI 3 with LOI 2. SPS/G&N 45810, minus 053, plus 141 075:21:28.46, plus 30128, minus 00540, plus 01911 180 019 001, NA plus 00188 30193 255 30008 40 2742 396 033, down 021, left 18, plus 0888, minus 16500 12955 36185 146:34:50; no change, no change 1 degree in the rise of ignition minus three, assumes LOI 2.
- Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, Houston. Roger. I made one mistake; horizon window is minus 1 degree. Over.
- Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Roger. Readback is correct.
Expand selection down Contract selection up - Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, this is Houston. You are GO across the board for LOI 2. Would like to take the DSE for a dump. Over.
- Bill Anders (LMP)
Before you take the DSE for a dump, let me give you a quick—let me give you a quick rundown on the DSE before you dump it, if you will.
- Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, this is Houston. It looks like we have lost it. They weren't quite done. We are standing by for a countdown to BIOMED switch left. Over.
Spoken on Dec. 24, 1968, 1:09 p.m. UTC (56 years, 1 month ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet