Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, this is Houston. If you should decide that you want to roll heads up on REV 2, one thing to remember, be sure you yaw 45 degrees right in order to maintain your high-gain antenna COMM. Over.
Frank Borman (CDR)
We will not do that; we're going to stick with the flight plan, and make the best we can here.
Frank Borman (CDR)
As usual, in the real world, the flight plan looks a lot fuller than it did in Florida.
Jim Lovell (CMP)
Houston, Apollo 8. Just for your information, after we completed P52, I acquired the earth in the sextant. Quite a sight from here.
Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, Houston. Your SPS data looks real good. It is just a matter of getting it all in from the site and getting it looked at.
Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, Houston. We would like to take about 5 minutes of high bit rate. Over.
Frank Borman (CDR)
Roger. Five minutes of high bit rate coming on.
Expand selection up Contract selection down Close -
Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Expand selection down Contract selection up -
Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Roger, Frank. Map update: REV 1/2, no change; the REV 2/3 follows: 73:04:57, 73:09:37, 73:19:01, 73:48:53, 74:24:23; remarks: Bravo 1 [03:02:16:24|74:16:24]. Over.
Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, this is Houston. You are GO for REV 2; all systems are GO. SPS evaluation is still underway and looking good. Over.
Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Roger, Apollo 8. We're still using the tape recorder. We will dump it in a little bit.
Frank Borman (CDR)
Houston, Apollo 8. We're in the process of preparing meal 4, day—correction: day 4, meal A.
Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
Roger. Bill, they say they have already dumped the tape, and it's almost totally clean.
Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)
That means you have got about 2 minutes of low bit rate on there, but the rest is clean. Over.
Bill Anders (LMP)
Okay. Let me know when you're going to dump it next time, Jerry. I understand we are GO now on the DSE. Have you got any voice off of it?
Spoken on Dec. 24, 1968, 11:21 a.m. UTC (56 years, 2 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet