Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. At 68:04, you are GO for LOI.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. You are riding the best one we can find around.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

You are riding the best bird we can find. Over.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Roger. It's a good one.

Bill Anders (LMP)

The cryo's have been stirred, Houston.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. We just saw an MC&W light.

Bill Anders (LMP)

We just tested the caution and warning.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Roger. Clint there is getting white.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. We're 42 minutes from LOS, and we caught another caution and warning light.

Frank Borman (CDR)

It was the high-gain antenna going out of limits.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Voice quality on the DSE dump is very good. The DSE is yours. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. COMM check.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

Read you loud and clear, Houston.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Houston, Apollo 8. Over.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Roger. We are ready to activate the primary water boiler.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Okay. Steam pressure going to AUTO; H2 flow going to AUTO.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. We are on low bit rate. We won't see your steam pressure; your RAD OUT is 33. Over.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Roger. We're below the boiling limit, and steam pressure is steady at 0.15.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. We have got our lunar map up and ready to go.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Houston, Apollo 8. Over.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Roger. We're showing a fuel pressure of 167, in AUX of 163. Wondering, do you think there's a possibility of us having a transient caution warning trip on fuel AUX pressure at the beginning of the burn that would correct itself nominally as we had a chance to pressurize? Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Roger. Understand; will check. Stand by.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. We've been reading fuel 173, AUX 167, holding steady for a long period of time. We expect no caution and warning trip. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Nine minutes 30 seconds from LOS.

Expand selection up Contract selection down Close
Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Roger. In about 10 seconds, we'll have you 19 minutes from ignition. Five, four, three, two, one -

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Five minutes LOS, all systems GO. Over.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Thank you. Houston, Apollo 8.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Roger, Frank. The custard is in the oven at 350. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Two minutes until LOS.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. One minute to LOS. All systems GO.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Roger. Going to COMMAND RESET, tape recorder FORWARD low bit rate.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Roger. Safe journey, guys.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

We'll see you on the other side.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, 10 seconds to go. You're GO all the way.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

Go ahead, Houston. This is Apollo 8. Burn complete. Our orbit 160.9 by 60.5; 169.1 by 60.5.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. Roger. 169.1 by 60.5. Good to hear your voice.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. Verify your evaporator water control in AUTOMATIC. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Apollo 8, this is Houston, Houston. Over.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Roger, Houston. We read you loud and clear. How do you read us?

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. Reading you loud and clear now. And verify your evaporator water control panel switch to the AUTO position. Over.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Roger. I am sure it is in AUTO.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

Burn status report as follows: burn on time, burn time 4 minutes 6-1/2 seconds, VGX minus 1.4, attitude is nominal, no trim, VGY was zero, VGZ was plus 0.2, DELTA-VC was minus 20.2, orbit 169.1 by 60.5.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Roger. The burn on time, burn time of 4:06.5, VGX is minus 1.4.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Verify your EVAP water control on panel 382 is AUTO. Your EVAP OUT temperature is high. Over.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Houston, Apollo 8. Roger. Primary EVAP is AUTO, H2 flow AUTO. Do you recommend activating the secondary water boiler?

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. Reverify manual valve on panel 382, evaporator water control AUTOMATIC. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. Recommend you activate your secondary water evaporator.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Secondary EVAP coming on line.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Turn off your DSE, and we will go to high bit rate. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. And I will continue my readback of the burn status report. Copied VGX zero, VGY zero, VGZ 1.2, DELTA-V Charlie minus 20.2. Over.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Stand by; he's getting the chart out again.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Roger. Understand; 0.2 on VGZ.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Houston, this is Apollo 8. We are on malfunction 1 of 6, going through step 1 to step 2. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Roger. Copy.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Correction. That is to step 4.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Roger. Copy; to step 4.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Looks like the boiler dried out somewhere along the line.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Houston, this is Apollo 8. I would like to confirm that burn status report. VGX was minus 1.4, VGY 0. VGZ 0.2, minus 0.2 that is. DELTA-VC was minus 20.2 -

Frank Borman (CDR)

— apogee 169.1, perigee 60.5.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. Roger. I will read back again. The burn was on time, 4 minutes and 6-1/2 seconds, VGX minus 1.4, trim nominal, VGY zero, VGZ minus 0.2, DELTA-V Charlie minus 20.2. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Roger. And we copy your apogee and perigee.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Steam pressure is coming up.

Bill Anders (LMP)

EVAP TEMP's coming down.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Roger. We concur.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Okay. Houston, keep a good eye on it.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Okay. Nice job on the malfunction procedures.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Give us a call when you think we ought to stop the secondary boiler, Houston.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Wilco.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

Roger. For information, we're passing over just to the side of the crater Langrenus at this time going into the Sea of Fertility.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Roger.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. What does the ole moon look like from 60 miles? Over.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

Okay, Houston. The moon is essentially gray, no color; looks like plaster of Paris or sort of a grayish deep sand. We can see quite a bit of detail. The Sea of Fertility doesn't stand out as well here as it does back on earth. There's not as much contrast between that and the surrounding craters. The craters are all rounded off. There's quite a few of them; some of them are newer. Many of them look like—especially the round ones—look like hits by meteorites or projectiles of some sort. Langrenus is quite a huge crater; it's got a central cone to it. The walls of the crater are terraced, about six or seven different terraces on the way down.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

And coming up now, the Sea of Fertility are the old friends Messier and Pickering that I looked about so much on earth.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

And I can see the rays coming out of blaze Pickering. We're coming up now near our P-1 initial site which I'm going to try and see. Be advised the round window, the hatch window, is completely iced over; we can't use it; Bill and I are sharing the rendezvous window.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Roger. Got any more information on those rays? Over.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Roger. The rays out of Pickering are quite faint from here; there are two different groups going to the left. They don't appear to have any depth to them at all, just rays coming out.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

They look like just changes in the color of the mare.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Bill, if you can tear yourself away from that window, we'd like you to turn off the secondary evaporator. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. You can leave that secondary pump on for just a few minutes. Over.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

Okay. Over to my right are the Pyrenees Mountains coming up, and we're just about over Messier and Pickering right now. Our first initial point is easily seen from our altitude. We're getting quite a bit of contrast as we appear—as we approach the terminator. The view appears to be good, no reflection of the sun back to our eyes; it appears that visibility at this particular spot is excellent. It's very easy to pick out our first initial point; and over this mountain chain, we can see the second initial point, the Triangular Mountain.

Bill Anders (LMP)

And we're coming upon the craters Colombo and Gutenberg. Very good detail visible. We can see the long parallel faults or grabens, and they run through the Mare material right into the highland material.

Bill Anders (LMP)

We're directly over our first initial point now for P-1. It's almost impossible to miss, very easy to pick out, and we can look right over into the second initial point.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

I can see very clearly the five crater star formation which we had on our lunar chart —

Jim Lovell (CMP)

— And right now, I'm trying to pick out visually P-1.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Roger, Jim. Bill, you can turn off the secondary EVAP pump now.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Houston, this is Apollo 8.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Roger. How about giving us a system status, please?

Jim Lovell (CMP)

Okay. I've got P-1 in sight now, Houston.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

It's very easy to spot. You can see the entire rims of the craters from here with, of course, the white crescent on the far side where the sun is shining on it. The shadows are quite lengthy now. Maskelyne B (Marsh of Sleep) has quite a few shadows off of it, but it can be recognized. Just west of the Maskelyne B, we start going to the terminator. The terminator is actually quite sharp over the Pyrenees, and it's—I can't see anything in earthshine at this present time. Bill says that he can see things out the side window when he's not looking down on the sunshine on the moon.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. All systems are GO. We're evaluating the strip charts on your SPS burn, and we'll give you a readout on that shortly. Over.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Roger. Thank you. It seemed smooth. Do you need high bit rate any more?

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Roger. We'd like high bit rate. We have dumped your DSE, and we'd like to stick with high bit rate for a while.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

Well, we're just about over Maskelyne B (Marsh Of Sleep) now, and our target is just directly below us.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. If you want the recorder now, it's yours.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. MSFN tracking is comparing very well with your onboard NAV.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Houston, for your information, we lost radio contact at the exact second you predicted.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Are you sure you didn't turn off the transmitters at that time?

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Honest Injun, we didn't.

Frank Borman (CDR)

While these other guys are looking at the moon, I want to make sure we have a good SPS. How about giving me that report when you can?

Frank Borman (CDR)

We want a GO for every REV please; otherwise, we'll burn in TEI 1 at your direction.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. Are you eating?

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. Are you eating dinner?

Frank Borman (CDR)

Negative. We'll have breakfast in a little while here.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. When you go into the dark in about 7 or 8 minutes, I have some words for you on the filters for the wide-angle lens, for your TV camera. Over.

Frank Borman (CDR)

We are in the dark now.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Roger. Let me know when you are ready to copy.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Any words on earthshine? Over.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Earthshine is about as expected, Houston. Not as much detail, of course, as in the sunlight, but you can see the large craters quite distinctly, and you can see the albedo contacts quite distinctly. And, also, the—there's a good three-dimensional view of the rims of the larger craters.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Roger, Bill.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on Dec. 24, 1968, 9:39 a.m. UTC (55 years, 9 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Bill Anders (LMP)

I think our high-speed film will be able to pick some of this stuff up quite well.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Go ahead with your information on the filter, Houston.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Roger. We recommend you use a wide-angle lens on this particular TV run. You can use a telephoto lens with the same setup as yesterday's TV show. However, we recommend a wide-angle lens. Step number 1, tape the single red filter to the red filter on the red/blue 0 filter holder; do it so that the filter slide still functions. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Roger. Step number 2, attach the filter holder to the lens with the tape on the top and bottom; do this with the slide forward. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Roger. Then at the end of your second REV TV pass, or on request from here, we would like you to remove that red filter from the holder and transmit briefly with it that way, then slide it over the blue side for your final transmission. Over.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Houston, Apollo 8. Standing by to record TEI 1 and TEI 2.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, this is Houston. Your TEI 1 and TEI 2 PAD's you received last pass are still good. Using these PAD's, your next midcourse will be less than 20 feet per second. Over.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. We have all the SPS experts looking at your data now. The preliminary look is very good, and we will give you some final words later.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Roger. We could feel the chug when we threw in BANK B, not a chug, but we could feel additional thrust.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Houston, be advised on this red/blue filter technique on the TV. You cannot slide the two filters out of the way with them taped onto the TV camera; so I suggest we do red, blue, and then take them off.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Roger. We concur, but make sure the little red filter is taped over the big one. Over.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Alright, you don't want the red fil—you want the blue by itself. Is that correct?

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

That's affirmative, Bill.

Jerry Carr (CAPCOM)

Bill, we'd like you to use the double red filter for the first transmission. Over.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 8.