- Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger, Bill. We are reading you loud and clear now. We had an antenna problem down here. We had an unexpected switch of antenna, which probably caused your high gain to quit.
- Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger, Jim. When we lost our antenna down here, we interrupted your tape dump, so we are in the process of doing some rewinding and continuing the dump, in case Bill is wondering what is going on with the tape recorder.
- Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger. At 26 hours GET, we'll be switching our antennas back again at Madrid, and you can expect a glitch on your COMM system.
- Jim Lovell (CMP)
I noticed that you skipped the IMU alignment for about 26 hours because we were still asleep. Do you want to include that again, or do you think it is required?
- Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger, Jim. We think it is going to be required prior to the next set of P23 sightings, and we're suggesting that it be put in at 27:45. We'll have a flight plan—a more complete flight plan update in here shortly.
- Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
The tape dumps are complete; it's rewound. You can go ahead and record in low bit rate if you …
- Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger, Jim. We would like to take control of the tape for a few minutes to make sure that we got all that last dump. Over.
- Bill Anders (LMP)
A little squeak.
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Spoken on Dec. 22, 1968, 3:35 p.m. UTC (56 years, 1 month ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet