Bill Anders (LMP)

Okay. Then we'll keep using it.

Bill Anders (LMP)

This PTC attitude really isn't the greatest for taking pictures of the earth.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, kinda stand by for a burst of noise as we change configurations on the ground. We're going into test 1; You'll still have up and downlink, and we'll be in this mode for 2 minutes, but you may hear some burst of noise as we change.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay, Apollo 8. We're in the middle of our first test, and how about giving me a voice check.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Roger, Houston. This is Apollo 8. One, two, three, four, five, five, four, three, two, one. Apollo 8, out.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on Dec. 22, 1968, 12:58 a.m. UTC (55 years, 8 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Roger. And read you loud and clear. This COMM is unbelievably good.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay, Apollo 8. We've finished the first test, and we're now going to change the uplink mode to UPLINK COMMAND AND RANGING, and we'll be going without upvoice. We'll be in this mode for 2-1/2 minutes and will be sending a test messages. It'll have no effect on either your computer or your panel switch configuration. What you might see will be the S-band noise that's associated with the break lock. However, you should still have a good signal on your power meter. This is not a loss of signal, but rather just a loss of the voice modulation, and I'll do you a mark just before we do that so that you can turn your S-band volume down if you so desire, and we'll be back up in this mode that we're in now in 2-1/2 minutes.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. We're about to disable the voice modulation on uplink, and we'll be back up no later than 12:31.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Apollo 8, Houston. Voice check.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Read you five-by, Houston.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Roger, Houston. Read you loud and clear and am with you. Completed our second test.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. Our next test will be a test of the uplink voice and ranging with downlink voice and ranging and on low bit rate, so we'll be changing bit rate on you, and we'll be making a voice check in the middle.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Okay. You've about had it on the high gain. You might try to get it in, but it's going to hit the scan limit at any second.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay, Apollo 8. Looks like we'll get our information before we lose the high gain.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Okay. We'll just leave it go.

Bill Anders (LMP)

They got the scan limit. We'll let it go, Houston, until it breaks lock.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay, Apollo 8. Go ahead and switch to the OMNI.

Bill Anders (LMP)

How're you doing with your test?

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. We've got three-fifths of the test. We'll have to pick up the rest next time we get a look at high gain.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

Roger. Reading on P21 at 269 10 indicates a parallel of about 67.4 miles. I guess we can carry her.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

You guys are getting pretty good.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

That's a lot better than our first answer.

Bill Anders (LMP)

We don't care if we're right, just so MPAD is right.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

Roger. I'd like to ask a question about this TLI plus 11 maneuver that we copied. In the remarks, you put P37, DELTA-V 7900. Is this the DELTA-V that we would use with P37?

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. That's the option that you use with minimum time.

Jim Lovell (CMP)

Roger. What I'd like to do is check on our P37 with your TLI maneuver update.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay, Apollo 8. We'd like to make sure that we don't have a misunderstanding that this 7900 feet per second is the DELTA-V. It's not associated with the high speed per feet work around procedure. This is just a standard P37 DELTA-V.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Roger. But was that the DELTA-V that you used to give us the TLI plus 11? Okay.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. That's not the one that the maneuver PAD was based on. That's the number you put in for the minimum time.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. Sounds like a good idea if you want to go ahead and check out the 37. And we're standing by to work on COMM as soon as that high gain is available.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Okay. Houston, you got the high gain.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Houston, do you read? Apollo 8. Over.

Bill Anders (LMP)

Roger. High gain yours.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. And if you're ready, we are. We'll go right ahead with our COMM checks.