Frank Borman (CDR)
Roger. Loud and clear. We are taking pictures of the S-IVB; the postseparation sequence is completed, and we seem to have a high gain.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger. We would like to ask whether you did a VERB 66 ENTER to transfer the state vector from CSM to LM slot. We didn't copy that down here.
Jim Lovell (CMP)
And at the same time, we can see Africa. West Africa is beautiful. I can also see Gibraltar at the same time I'm looking at Florida.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
How about your VHF check? We would like to get that done before you get too much further away.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Okay, good. Thank you. VHF alfa Simplex, and we will get configured for it; and in between times, give us a clue as to what it looks like from way up there.
Jim Lovell (CMP)
Roger. Well, Mike, I can see the entire earth now out of the center window. I can see Florida, Cuba, Central America, the whole northern half of Central America, in fact, all the way down through Argentina and down through Chile.
Frank Borman (CDR)
Houston, this is Apollo 8. We've lost sight of the S-IVB here. The separation maneuver may be delayed slightly, or else we will go ahead and make it without having her in sight.
Frank Borman (CDR)
Roger. We have the S-IVB in sight again now. We have done the separation maneuver.
Expand selection up Contract selection down Close -
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Good show. Thank you.
Expand selection down Contract selection up -
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, Houston. We would like to get an approximate GET of your SEP maneuver to use for our ephemeris tracking data.
Frank Borman (CDR)
— We have the—Mike, we have the exact callout here for you and a burn status report.
Frank Borman (CDR)
Alright, DELTA-VX minus 00011, DELTA-VY plus 0002, DELTA-VZ minus 0002, roll 0, pitch 180, yaw 0. Over.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger. At your convenience, would you please go P00 and ACCEPT? We're going to update to your W matrix. And also when you get a chance, we would like to know about the SLA panels. Did they all depart? And do you have any comments about the SLA?
Frank Borman (CDR)
Houston, Apollo 8. Will you give us the information when you want us to stop the venting and so on?
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger. What is the venting information are you inquiring about: the O2 flow high out through the waste tank or waste compartment, or are you talking about your evaporator?
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, Houston. You can go back to BLOCK. We have gotten in the load to the W matrix update.
Frank Borman (CDR)
Roger. It looks like I might have to do a couple more small maneuvers to stay away from the front of this S-IVB, the way we are ending up now. Do you want me to do these with our P47 if we have to do them?
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
I'd like to give you some idea about your trajectory. It looks like a midcourse correction number 1, projected out to TLI plus 6 hours, would be only 7 feet per second. So, of course, any further maneuvers you do would add to that, which is probably good.
Spoken on Dec. 21, 1968, 4:33 p.m. UTC (56 years, 2 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet