Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
GETI 006:47:27.79 minus 01594 plus 00000 plus 52885 178 155 000, not applicable, plus 00192 52909. Are you with me? Apollo 8, Houston. Over.
Jim Lovell (CMP)
This is Apollo 8. You're breaking lock on S-band, and again, you got cut off just at HP.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger. Sextant star, 12 1037 211, earth center down 063, right 23 plus 1068 minus 16500 12505 35061 026:42:57 north set stars, roll 068, pitch 097, yaw 356, ullage none, high speed procedure not required. Over.
Expand selection up Expand selection down Close -
Jim Lovell (CMP)
Roger, Houston. TLI plus 4. Weight remains the same, minus 164 plus 129 006:47:27.79 minus 01594 plus all balls plus 52885 178 155 000 NA plus 00192 52909 627 52694 12 1037 211, earth center down 063, right 213 plus 1068 minus 16500 12505 35061 026:42:57, north set roll 068, pitch 097, yaw 356, no ullage, high speed procedure not required.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Very good. That's all correct, and I have a TLI PAD for you whenever you're ready to copy it.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Okay. Your computer PAD is in and verified. You can go to BLOCK, and we're going to have LOS here in about 45 seconds. I'll start on the TLI PAD anyway. Time base 6P 24136, roll 179, pitch 045, yaw 001, burn time 5 plus 15, DELTA-VC prime 105 196 VI 35569, roll 357, pitch 091; yaw 001. Comments: TLI plus 10 minutes; abort attitude is 199 degrees, and I don't believe you've got time to read that back. We'll see you over Canaries at 1:50 GET. Adios.
Jim Lovell (CMP)
Roger. Houston, Apollo 8. Reading you loud and clear. TLI plan 24136 179 045 001 515 105196 35569 357 091 001; TLI plus 10, abort attitude 199 on the pitch.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger, Apollo 8. That is correct. We'd like to double check one number on the TLI plus 90 minutes. When you can dig that out, let us know.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger. S-IVB looking good, both from a guidance and a consumable viewpoint; it all looks GO.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, Houston. We will have LOS in 1 minute; we'll pick you up again over Tananarive at 02:09.
Frank Borman (CDR)
Very good, very good. Everything is going rather well. It looks just about the same way it did 3 years ago.
Frank Borman (CDR)
Roger. We had one little incident here. Jim Lovell inadvertently popped one liferaft, so we've got one full Mae West with us here.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger, Apollo 8. We don't have anything for you; we are just standing by. You're looking good.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger. Gemini 8, Houston. We would like to bring you up to date on the COMM situation while we've got some quiet time here. We'll be LOS Tananarive in another 2 minutes; we'll be picking you up over Carnarvon at 2 hours 25 minutes and 22 seconds. LOS Carnarvon will be 02:31:55; then we've got ARIA number 1 coming in about 02:37:30; and after that, we will have a hand-off to Mercury to Hawaii to Goldstone, and we should have continuous COMM. Over.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger. Loud and clear. We'd like to take your tape recorder for 2 minutes, please.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
By the way, we read out the voice tape, and quality of the voice tape is good—from the DSE.
Spoken on Dec. 21, 1968, 2:36 p.m. UTC (56 years, 2 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet