Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, this is Houston. Go ahead with backup voice check.
Expand selection up Contract selection down Close -
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, Houston. Go ahead with backup voice check. Over.
Expand selection down Contract selection up -
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger, Bill. Reading you weak but clear. Go ahead with normal S-band voice check.
Bill Anders (LMP)
Houston, this is Apollo 8 on normal S-band: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. How do you read? Over.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, Houston. Reading you loud and clear. We are also reading you loud and clear on S-band normal. How me? Over.
Bill Anders (LMP)
Roger. I'm reading you loud and clear. I'll give you another count on S-band normal: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. How do you read me?
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger. That's loud and clear, Bill. California, would you ENABLE the VHF downlink, please?
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger. We are going to rewind your tape recorder, and we have the TLI plus 90 and TLI plus 4-hour PAD's at your convenience. Over.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Roger. TLI plus 90, SPS/G&N, 635 31 minus 164 plus 129. Are you with me so far? Over.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Okay. 004:17:42.65 minus 04402 minus 00001 plus 48387 178 169 359, not applicable, plus 00185 48587 603 48383 06 2027 250, earth center 0123—correction: down 123; I say again, down 123, right 22 plus 21123 minus 03000 12313 34494 017:47:39, north set stars roll 068, pitch 097, yaw 356, ullage none; other: high speed procedure not required. Over.
Jim Lovell (CMP)
Houston, this is Apollo 8. We missed a portion of that maneuver PAD. Can you start with HP and go down to boresight star? Over.
Jim Lovell (CMP)
Roger, Houston. This is a TLI plus 90 as follows: minus- the weight will be plus 63531 minus 164 plus 129 0041 74265 minus 04402 minus 0001 plus 48387 178 169 359 plus 00185 48587 603 48383. We will have to get the sextant information later; 123 minus 030.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, Houston. We are picking you up now over Bermuda. I did not copy your readback after DELTA-VC. That was the last quantity—I received.
Jim Lovell (CMP)
Roger, Houston. Could you give us the sextant information again, the sextant star information?
Jim Lovell (CMP)
Roger. Starting out with the sextant star, 06 2007 250, earth's center down 123, right 22 plus 1123 minus 03000 12313 34494 017 47 39; north set, roll 068, pitch 097, yaw 356, no ullage.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Apollo 8, Houston. Would you go to P00 and ACCEPT, please? We want to send up the state vector.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Thank you. I have your TLI plus 4-hour PAD when you are ready to copy and your TLI PAD also.
Mike Collins (CAPCOM)
Okay. TLI plus 4 hours, SPS/G&N. Weight is still 63531 as printed; the pitch and yaw minus 164 and plus 129. Are you with me so far?
Spoken on Dec. 21, 1968, 2:21 p.m. UTC (56 years, 2 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet