Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay, Apollo 8. I'd like to run one more null bias and looks like we will have exercised everything we can get to.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Okay. DELTA-V AUTO, all zeros.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Roger. Understand minus 2. Alright. Is that minus 2 or minus two-tenths?

Frank Borman (CDR)

Two-tenths, three-tenths now.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. Real good. That looks like we —

Frank Borman (CDR)

It looks like we had a lot of noise on the circuit for a while there, Ken.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Yes, we did, too; all those electronic glitches I guess.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Okay. One hundred seconds, it's plus—minus four-tenths.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. Real fine. That looks like that's about all of the functions that we can check, and looks like everything is just down the line.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. We still owe you confirmation that you can expect your high speed scroll to be the first pattern you come to, and I'll let you know as soon as they come in with an answer on it.

Frank Borman (CDR)


Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

I'd like to go ahead and finish going through the entry book if you're ready.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. We've reviewed most of the book up here, and we will have to come back and suggest a way that we can check out the water boiler prior to getting reentry area. We've reviewed all of the last minutes changes that were put in—pen and ink type things—and they're all looking good. On page E-7, like to add a couple of items.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. On step 34 under final stowage, which is a sort of catch-all area, there's a step that says secondary glycol to radiator, and it says bypass, verify. While we are down in this area, we would like to go to panel 382, the water control panel, and set up the evaporator water control valve both primary and secondary to AUTO. Now this is something we would have done had we done the cold soak at minus 12 hours, but since we weren't doing it there, we would like to go ahead and make sure we have these in AUTO, and this will enable automatic controls from the panel.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Can we just make this part of the procedure when we test out the water boilers beforehand?

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Yes, sir. If we get that checked out earlier, we can just leave them in AUTO.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. I'm just going to make a note here, and we can do it the other way, too. The other item that was pen-and-inked in —

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

You may already have this down as step 35. It says UP TELEMETRY to BLOCK, VERIFY, and there's a step right after that that says RCS command module heaters to circuit breakers CLOSED.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. I guess that one was sent up to you this afternoon. And when you turn the page over to E-8, it shows the EMS entry check being run at minus an hour, and you know that it's a short test. There is really no reason to wait for an hour; we might as well go ahead and do that as soon as you get through with step 35 on page E-7 because we're coming up on a pretty busy period.

Frank Borman (CDR)

I say that's fine; we'll do that.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Houston, are you still there?

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Roger. We got a discussion going; be right back.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay, Apollo 8. On page E-9 —

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

— at the top of the page, you have step 38, and right underneath that, prior to step 39, we want to have a primary glycol loop activation. What we are doing is to get the glycol evaporator water switch to AUTO and the glycol evaporator steam pressure switched to AUTO. This will get your primary water boiler on the line prior to entry, or at least it'll enable it.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Okay. Tell me what to write in, Ken.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. It's glycol evaporator water to AUTO.

Frank Borman (CDR)

Glycol evaporator water switch to AUTO.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on Dec. 26, 1968, 7:46 a.m. UTC (55 years, 8 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. And the second switch is the glycol evaporator steam pressure to AUTO.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. That takes care of getting the primary water boiler enabled, and it's my understanding that we were going to make the actual entry with both the primary and the secondary water boilers on the line.

Frank Borman (CDR)

I'm not reading you now, Houston.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Okay. There's some question from reading the checklist. It is my understanding that both the primary and the secondary water boilers will be ON for the actual entry, and don't find a place in the checklist where it's actually turned on. So we'd like to get confirmation on that, and we'll make sure that we have all the proper switching to put in the checklist.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Alright. Still on page E-9 and under step 39 at the bottom of the pyro circuit check, there's a step that says panel 8, all circuit breakers CLOSED except and then it lists five that are printed, one that was pen-and-inked before launch. It says EDS power circuit breakers 3 OPEN, and to be complete, we ought to add the RCS heater circuit breakers. There's two of those, and they should also be OPEN.

Ken Mattingly (CAPCOM)

Alright. The rest of these pages look good; I'm coming over through the graphs. And on page E-11 —